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Sunday, April 16, 2006

interview... moi?

i was roaming around looking for something else and i ran across an interview i did a few years ago when i was still in the band PROST. it's kind of amusing, here it is for your enjoyment.

also, a really funny interview i did with the band The Velvet Pill, also for the 'Toban.


Blogger ryan said...

Dude, did you read the article in the Sun today about the norwegian heavy metal singer who got hit by a train near Red Deer and lived. The headline was "Brush with Megadeth". I seriously wish I was making this up. The best line was the quote at the end:

"Maybe the metal gods above were smiling on me and they didn't want one of their true warriors to die on them. Otherwise, I'd be up there in the kingdom of steel."

Here's the link (if it's still up):


9:48 PM

Blogger Jonathan Ball said...


Heaven as the "Kingdom of Steel".... a great image....

best quote: "I knew I was alive, so that was good."

10:38 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

I saw that article and I totally clipped it out and put it above my desk at work. It's near "Tokyo snake refuses to eat best friend" (it's a hamster, if you're curious). Anyway, "Holy crap, dude, you just got hit by a train" was one of MY favourite quotes from that article.

7:35 PM


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