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Saturday, September 22, 2007

Faulkner — you're fired!!!

In 1924, William Faulkner was fired from his job as a US postmaster, which he had held for three years. Below I've copied some excerpts from a letter sent to Faulkner shortly before his firing, for your general amusement.

Dear Sir:

The following charges have been made against you as a postmaster at University, Mississippi:

1. That you are neglectful of your duties, in that you are a habitual reader of books and magazines, and seem reluctant to cease reading long enough to serve the patrons; that you have a book being printed at the present time, the greater part of which was written while on duty at the postoffice [...]

3. That you are indifferent to interest of patrons, unsocial, and rarely ever speak to patrons of the office unless absolutely necessary; that you do not give the office the proper attention, opening and closing same at your convenience; that you can be found playing golf during office hours.

4. That you mistreat mail of all classes, including registered mail; that you have thrown mail with return postage guaranteed and all other classes in the garbage can by the side entrance, near the rear door [...] that this has gotten to be such a common occurrence that some patrons have gone to the garbage can to get their magazines, should they not be in their boxes when they looked for them.

[... it goes on ... Faulkner also let his friends come and play cards with him at work ...]

Respectfully yours

Mark Webster
Postoffice Inspector
Corinth, Mississippi


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9:19 AM


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